Monday, May 16, 2011

Last week was just a whirlwind of intensity. From prepping in class for the Global Warming presentation to meeting after school everyday with the group in the library to practicing multiple times until we dropped, we finally made it to a successful mark of a 37 minute presentation with no more, no less, by the end of class time last Friday. Mr. Cava seemed to like how we expanded more among the topics of deforestation, overpopulation, and other human activities above all. The organic food really bribed him at the end, I'd say. Thank goodness my high school Sociology/Social Problems class is finally done with once and for all, and I can finally breathe again. I most definitely gave this class my all and earned the grade I wanted to receive to land on a good note towards the end. Hard work pays off, my friends.

Aside from my Sociology nerve alerts, prom finally happened. It wasn't this spectacular event that everyone every so often hypes up about all year, every year, but I'd say it was a pretty memorable event that was worth the time off the usual. It was honestly nice to see everyone barbied up into elegant dresses and tidied up tuxes in one classy ballroom with two off-the-chain awesome redcheese photobooths, fake bar drinks, a chocolate fondue, and tubs of ice cream for the win. Overall, it was definitely a jazillionbillion times better than last year and I'm glad I got dragged into this spontaneous mess quite late in the timing.

Our whole entire high school careers are ending in about four days and I honestly cannot wait for graduation to happen. With most of the television show series I follow on CW and ABC, all of them are at their last high points for their season finales, and knowing that graduation is this coming Saturday gives me somewhat of a bittersweet feeling, just because things are finally coming to closures and goodbyes. But perhaps there will be something small, but very special, to miss after all in the long run. I think what made most of my year this senior year were the Special Ed kids. Looking back, this year did not fly by so fast for me, because in fact I spent such a long time giving my all to the kids and spending so much time understanding what it truly takes to be in tolerant patience and bearable understanding with those in need, that somehow, I ended up discovering one of the missing pieces in my life that I've been searching for, for quite some time. For one thing, giving back will never be at the end of my list. For another, it's that if it's anyone I should and will miss, it'll be the kids that helped me find myself in a different light that I'll miss this summer, and the many, many seasons to come.

I'm ready to conquer the last few days of our last high school finals.
P.S. Today marks my 11th day of my pop pilates sessions. 19 more days to go.

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